(510) 706-5877
Lea's Dogs
My dogs past and present
Gambit- I have always wanted a Malinois and in 2018, I got Gambit from the working dog kennel Loups Du Soleil. I'm having a lot of fun with him!
Here are our accomplishments so far:
AKC Rally Novice
AKC CD Title-Awarded high Malinois in obedience
UKC UCD- High in trial x3

Gotti & Iroc- These two dogs are the reason behind Canine Centric and why I became a dog trainer. They have crossed over to the rainbow bridge but their spirits live on. I got Gotti in 2005 when I was 15 years old! Gotti was a tricky dog who wasn't really fond of dogs or strangers. I was once that owner who didn't know how to help their dog. It wasn't until I became educated about dog training and dog behavior that I finally could be the best owner I could for him. I got Iroc as a puppy in 2009. She was my companion and training partner. Iroc and I played in nose work and we also got our AKC Rally Novice title together.